Wizard of the Month Spotlight - February 2022 - Aidan Casey


We couldn't stop with just one, so we would like to introduce you to our second February Employee of the Month. Aidan Casey of Alhambra, CA.




Aidan is a dedicated teacher, who knows how to make chess fun. Check out what our WITS team has to say about Aidan.


“Aidan has showed complete reliability. He is available to sub whenever needed, has trained most of our instructors in LA, and is currently running instructor evaluations for our Los Angeles based staff. He is diligent at perfecting his craft, and is a joy to work with.”

 - Ron Guerra


“Some of the great things about Aidan are his flexibility to work with us, his attentiveness to details, and most importantly, he is very responsive and completes his tasks on time. He is an all-around amazing instructor, and I have received really positive feedback from the school where he taught classes in the fall."

 -Uzma Khan


Aidan, thank you for being such an outstanding employee and teacher!


To show our appreciation for your dedication and hard work – please check your email this week for a special gift card.




I was born in 1997 in the Bay Area, and moved to Los Angeles for college about 6 years ago. 


Teaching Tip:

Some students become more interested in chess if you refer to it as a sport rather than a game.


1. Who are you, where do you come from, where are you going?

I come from Berkeley, CA. I like Los Angeles and have no plans to leave!


2. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned since you started teaching?

Students learn more when they are having fun!


3. What is the most exciting experience you have had while playing or teaching chess?

It’s exciting whenever a student becomes truly interested in chess.


4.  How do you motivate your students to succeed?

Most of the time the reason students become unmotivated is because they don’t like losing. I try to communicate the fact that losing doesn’t matter, that all the best players in the world had to lose countless games to become good at chess, and that having a bad attitude towards losing will stop you from getting better.


5. What is your most memorable memory from your time as a Chess Wizard?

There was one class that was in an auditorium with a stage. On trophy day each student gave a ‘speech’ on the stage before accepting their trophy. It was a very fun and silly way to end the class.


6.  If you could retire tomorrow and never have to worry about money again, what would you do with your time?

Eat a lot of delicious food.


7.  What’s your go-to technique for dealing with ‘handful students’?

In general just give positive attention to good behavior and don’t reward bad behavior with undue attention.


8. What is an unusual place you have been to?

Slab City, CA                  


9. Do you have a talent that not many people know about?

I can do a hand-stand.


10. What’s your #1 teaching tip?

Some students become more interested in chess if you refer to it as a sport rather than a game.


11. What’s your favorite classroom Attention Getter? 

If you can hear my voice clap once… etc.


12. What is something interesting that you’re involved in, outside of Chess Wizards?

I enjoy drawing.


13.  If you saw a kangaroo and a chimpanzee playing chess what would you do? Who do you think would win?

I would be shocked. The chimpanzee would probably win because it seems difficult for a kangaroo to move the pieces.


14.  Star Wars, Star Trek, or they’re both lame?

I haven't seen either!