Wizard of the Month Spotlight - September 2022 - Justin Stewart


Our employee of the month is Justin Stewart from Fort Worth, Texas.



Justin joined Chess Wizards in 2022, and has showed tremendous growth as a teacher throughout his time with us! He is dedicated and committed to making his classes fun for all his students- and is always ready to take on a challenge and make improvements to his classes. We are so lucky to have Justin teaching with us and helping us achieve our mission and goals.


Justin, thank you for being such an outstanding employee and teacher!


To show our appreciation for your dedication and hard work – please check your email this week for a special gift from us.



1. Who are you, where do you come from, where are you going?

Howdy, my name is Justin Stewart. I am twenty five years old, married to my best friend, and have a one year old son. They are both wonderful people. I come from Victorville, California and recently moved to Fort Worth, Texas, where I currently teach. I am going to school for my Education in Music degree. I plan on staying with Chess wizards for a long while and then moving on to become a full time teacher unless there’s better opportunities here. I enjoy video games, frisbee golf, airsoft, chess, and spending time with my family.


2. How long have you been teaching with Chess Wizards?

I have been teaching for seven months with Chess Wizards.


3. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned since you started teaching?

Never stop learning or you’ll become a stale potato. Always review even if you think you remember perfectly.


4. What is the most exciting experience you have had while playing or teaching chess?

I enjoy all of my experiences with chess and don’t have an experience that stands out to me.


5.  How do you motivate your students to succeed?

I try my best to make them all feel important and heard. Through giving heed to their interests, they are more attentive to mine. We become eager to share experiences, learn, and have fun together.


6. What is your most memorable memory from your time as a Chess Wizard?

Every time before I go to class, my son sees me wearing my wizard robes and gets a beaming smile. I remember that smile and keep it with me when I teach


7.  If you could retire tomorrow and never have to worry about money again, what would you do with your time?

I think I would just spend time with my family, do my hobbies, and prepare a solid future for them.


8.  What’s your go-to technique for dealing with ‘handful students’?

I remind them to respect other students and give them a brief understanding on why we need to adhere to rules that pertain to the problem. If it persists, I ask them to step aside so we can talk about their reasons for having issues and come up with solutions together.


9. What is an unusual place you have been to?

There’s a redneck village in the blue ridge mountains where I spent some time getting to know people and lived with them. Squirrels and possums taste a little better than you’d expect.


10. Do you have a talent that not many people know about?

I’m a Luthier


11. What’s your #1 teaching tip?

Remember what makes you happy. It’s hard to be a bad teacher when you’re happy.


12. What’s your favorite classroom Attention Getter? 

The ones listed in the teachers manual provided by chess wizards. Nothing unique.


13. What is something interesting that you’re involved in, outside of Chess Wizards?

I play frisbee golf regularly and compete in competitions when I can.


14.  If you saw a kangaroo and a chimpanzee playing chess what would you do? Who do you think would win?

I would check to see if they are playing correctly. Assuming that they both have the ability to play chess, I would not have prejudice towards who would win.


15.  Star Wars, Star Trek, or they’re both lame?

The only thing in common here is that they are Sci-fi. It is an unfair comparison and I believe both have value. I like both of them, but it depends on what mood I am in, on which one I watch. Star Wars is nice, but got some issues when Disney bought it. Star Trek is nice, but I prefer the earlier releases and original series. It’s always been hit or miss.


16. What do you like most about working with Chess Wizards?

One of my main goals in life is to help others be genuinely happy. This job gives me the opportunity to do just that.