Wizard of the Month Spotlight - September 2024 - Robert Pastor


Our employee of the month is Bob Pastor from Michigan!



Bob is a dedicated and reliable Wizard who has helped to grow enrollment in many schools. He always responds to calls quickly with a cheerful “what is up?”, and his usual response is “sure I can do that” to whatever is being asked of him. He's a hard worker who truly enjoys teaching his students the game of chess (we’re also told he works hard for his lovely wife and keeping her stocked with yarn!) We would love for you to meet this fantastic Wizard.  


Bob, thank you for being such an outstanding employee and teacher!

To show our appreciation for your dedication and hard work – please check your email this week for a special gift from us.



Cheсk out our interview with Bob below:


1. Who are you, where do you come from, where are you going?

I am Bob Pastor (Wizard Robert to the kids) and I’m from Dearborn, MI


2. How long have you been teaching with Chess Wizards?

I am starting my fourth year teaching.


3. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned since you started teaching? 

Preparation is everything.  For example, if I’m teaching pins, I know in advance the positions that I will use to illustrate my key points and how I will use the worksheets to reinforce the lesson.


4. What is the most exciting experience you have had while playing or teaching chess?

Playing- When I won the first tournament I played in by beating a 2100 player with black in the finals. 

Teaching- I coached my son’s elementary school team to the Dearborn city championship 3 straight years as a volunteer coach.  Too bad they don’t use Chess Wizards!


5.  How do you motivate your students to succeed? 

Positive reinforcement and building their competence/confidence.

When the kids pair off and play, I can always find something they are doing well at and most often I can point out something good that both players do well.


6.  If you could retire tomorrow and never have to worry about money again, what would you do with your time?

I am retired, so this is easy.  I teach chess, travel, read and hit the gym hard.  


7.  What’s your go-to technique for dealing with ‘handful students’?

These students are either bored or dying for attention.  I get them calmed down and focused first, then find some very specific tasks they can do.


8. What is an unusual place you have been to? 

Mahabilipuram, Tamil Nadu, India.  It’s a World Heritage site with some very intricate and beautiful sandstone monuments from the 7th and 8th century.


9. Do you have a talent that not many people know about?

I still can waterski, although my runs have gotten shorter and less strenuous.

My wife and I do the daily New York Times crossword puzzle together and we have a close to 600 day completion streak going (jinx!)


10. What’s your #1 teaching tip?

Enthusiasm is contagious.  Everyone is in your class to have fun.  Sometimes I channel my inner ham, even going so far as resorting to bad Dad jokes.


11. What is something interesting that you’re involved in, outside of Chess Wizards?

Currently volunteering for an unnamed political party for the upcoming election. 


12.  If you saw a kangaroo and a chimpanzee playing chess what would you do? Who do you think would win? 

Did someone slip some acid in my Mountain Dew?


13.  Star Wars, Star Trek, or they’re both lame? 

I grew up in the 60s, so most definitely Star Trek.  


14. What do you like most about working with Chess Wizards?

I love watching the kids progress and passing along my love for the game to them.