On a previous post we highlighted the sport of Chess Boxing, a super unique variation of chess. Today were going to take a look at another awesome variation, Diving Chess.
Diving chess is played like normal chess, only submerged underwater with a weighted and magnetized board and pieces. Each player has the amount of time they can dive down and hold their breath to make their moves – coming up for air while their opponent makes theirs. If a player comes up for air before making their move, and has a legitimate excuse, they get a warning, however if it happens again they automatically forfeit the game. It’s definitely a unique combination of sports – and one we find incredibly impressive.
So where did this idea begin?
In 2012, American chess master Etan Ilfeld, who was super intrigued by chess boxing and the idea of combining physical and mental activities, came up with the idea of diving chess. His idea was brought to life at the Mind Sports Olympiad (a week-long event with many mind disciplines being played.)
The pools used for diving chess matches are often freezing cold, and around 4-5 feet deep. Players are allowed to wear goggles and swimsuits, but may not wear wetsuits, snorkels, weights, or anything that can assist them underwater.
According to the Diving Chess website there are about 50 competitive diving chess players worldwide who attend the Diving Chess World Championship each year in August.
You can check out diving chess in action at the 2025 Mind Sports Olympiad will be held on August 17th – 25th.
image from divingchess.com